
I have ten minutes left in my work day, and I am wiped out.

I have no more energy to work; so I will write.

Just a little warning: this entry may make no sense. I have a feeling it's going to be very stream of conscience or whatever.

AB, I hope you don't mind, but I am stealing your idea and writing a letter to God.

Dear God,

I think I'm upset with you right now. Though I'm not sure why. I find that when I start becoming angry at others and myself over silly things, it usually leads back to something I am upset with you about.

I feel disappointed right now.

Maybe disappointed in myself?

I'm not sure.

I feel disappointed by life.

I feel extremely tired.

I am stuck.

Right here.

And I have been stuck right here for quite a while now.

And You keep reminding me, "Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, you will reap what you sew."

Well, quite frankly, I need to grow weary for a while.

I need a break. A little reprieve.

I need for you to completely pour into me, without any effort on my part.

I can't keep going like this.

And I feel guilty being so selfish. I feel like I am asking something bad by saying "I need," especially since You have seen fit not to give me what I have been asking for.

Over the last month, there have been two chances for me to get this reprieve. And because of circumstances YOU have put me in, I was not able to go to either one of them.

And I'm okay with this, as long as I know there is a purpose.

No, that's not true.

I'm okay with this, as long as I know what the purpose is.

And I guess that's what it comes down to.

I need the faith to accept my situation - bear my cross - without questions.

But I honestly feel like I have nothing left.

I have no more faith.

I have no more works.

I have nothing left to give.

This is the year of overflow, right?

Then why do I feel like I am barely getting by spiritually?

The first of this year was so amazing. So. Very. Amazing.

You were teaching me. I was growing. I was hoping and believing for the things you had promised.

But I'm all hoped out.

I'm tired.

And I'm whining. I know.

I'm sorry.

Jesus, I know You love me.

I know You do.

I KNOW it.

I don't ever doubt it.

I don't ever doubt that you have the best intentions for my life.

I just needed to let You know how I'm feeling.

I don't necessarily need answers.

I just need a small break.

I need Your Spirit to wash over me.

I need that healing balm.

I need more of You.

Because I can't keep going like this.

I can't do it on my own.

"Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord."

And so, Lord, I need You to take this mountain of frustration and confusion and weariness and sin and turn it into a temple where we can have an intimate meeting.

I love you, Lord. Even when I don't understand You.

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