Ahhhhhhhh the sunshine.... ahhhhhhh the sunshine...

Well, I had my meeting at the church this morning - all two-and-a-half hours of it.


It was REALLY GOOD. I LOVE Pastor B, and I really think I am going to enjoy working with her and the rest of the staff.

I also met the current Children's Pastor. She was.... intense.

I could tell that she was very passionate about her ministry, and very earnestly wanting it to stay as good as it is.

So I sat and listened to her advice... that went on almost non-stop for 45min...

And I did as Pastor B had told me to do before she came in: I "Took the meat and spit out the bones."

Overall, it was a very good meeting. I was very comfortable telling Pastor B what I did and didn't want to do in this position... and she agreed with most of it, at least, the important points.

And then there is another exciting thing...

She said, "Now lets talk about salary... I'm really not in a place to tell you how much we can offer."

I said, "Well, that's ok. I've talked with my mom, and I think I have a general idea of what is 'the norm' for this position."

She said, "Would you mind telling me? Because I don't know!"

And so I told her what I expected.

And she said, "Well, lets just keep that number between us because I think they were planning on offering you more! But I'm glad you told me that amount because if, for some reason, they offer less, I'll make sure they get it up to that at least. But if they offer more, I won't say a thing about the numbers we just talked about!"


If they offer me even a little more than what I asked for, I will be making MORE at the church, working only a few hours a week at a really fun job, than I am making NOW in insurance!!! Isn't that crazy?!?!?!

The Lord is really orchestrating this whole thing for us!

Oh! And I say "us" because there is a specific place for B in this ministry too.

Apparently, while most children's ministries are K-5 through 5th grade. This one is 1st through 6th grade. So they have 12 year olds in children's church!

So, in order accommodate that, they have created two classes (a boy's class and a girl's class) for the fifth and sixth graders on Wednesday nights. In these classes, they go through a "leadership development" program, where they learn the ins and outs of leadership in ministry. Then, if they are doing well in the leadership class, they become the Sunday-morning "workers." They do puppets and sound, they form a welcoming committee for the kids, they set up refreshments and arts'n'crafts, and then they help clean up at the end.

And since B's heart is for middle school anyways.... doesn't that sound like the PERFECT place for him?

He has already expressed interest in being a part of the ministry, and he has given up the cleaning job that he does on Wednesday nights so that he can be there with me and the kids. (His sister is doing the cleaning job now.) So it really seems like the perfect "spot" for him.



Apparently, they have a Sunday School coordinator who does the curriculum, finds volunteers, makes sure everyone is where they are supposed to be... all of that stuff.

Soo... B and I can STILL get involved with the young couple's ministry that meets during the Sunday School hour. So we can STILL meet other people and get "plugged in" in other ways!


I'm really excited about all of this! Can you tell?

Well... for now... I should probably be focusing on my work at hand. I have SO MUCH to do before Friday. Blah.

But then MONDAY is coming, and I can start working on Children's Church! *yay*

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