The dream Interp...

... on a more serious note, I think I have the interpretation to my dream from the other night.

I think it actually has to do with Korea, but I'm not sure.

All the pieces still aren't there, but here is what I have so far...

First of all, I think COTN in significant for two reasons. First, it is where my relationship with B begand. Second, it is "of the Nations." - That name seems significant.

White and Red decorations = purity and blood (or salvation) - representing that our covenant (marriage) was, from the beginning, pure and covered by the blood.

However, the bridesmaids in pink = a diluted red, or a watered-down gospel or a watered down passion.

Throughout the dream, these bridesmaids were trying to distract me. I remember I kept thinking "This is my wedding! Why are you doing this today?"

It starts with them talking about the ghosts. I believe that the ghosts represent past hurts that still linger in my mind. The bridesmaids were the ones that kept talking about them and about being scared.

I was not phased by the ghosts.

The next scene, it is yet another bridesmaid, Ruth, who is distracting me with her "drama." Ruth means companion or friend. I feel like the Lord is telling me that in the coming period of my life, I am to carefully choose not to get involved in the "drama" of certain friends or companions. I am called to do what I can, but I am not to be so burdened by their friendships that I forget the goal - the covenant, the marriage, etc.

The next scene, I am saying my vows to B, with P. Beth as our pastor. Beth = house or my God is an oath. I believe that this phase of the wedding represents the first "phase" of my marriage. B and I have received several prophecies and promises regarding a house as well as regarding our relationship and our ministry together. So far, it has been only oaths or promises from the Lord. We have seen little or no fulfillment of those promises.

This is the part I'm a little bit afraid to say because I might be wrong. But here goes nuthin...

I feel like the "separation" when I leave the altar and go back to talk with my mom represents B's trip to S. Korea.

I will probably end up living with my mom during that time, and once again, I am not to be phased or afraid of her "ghosts."

As for Jessica standing at the door in a wedding gown: Jessica = He sees. I feel like God is saying that he sees the temporary separation and, though it would seem conventionally inappropriate (like wearing a white frilly dress to a wedding) He sees it and is still honoring our covenant.

The next part is when I realize that the ceremony wasn't finished, and I rush back on stage to find Lauren arm-in-arm with B.

I particularly remember the feeling of standing alone on that stage not sure if he was coming back. I knew it was a joke, but I wasn't sure how far they would take it.

I believe this speaks to my fears about B going to Korea. Lauren = from a Bay Laurel. In the Bible, the Bay Laurel is often used to represent prosperity or wealth. B is basically leaving me to pursue prosperity, and I have secretly been afraid that he might not come back to me (geographically or emotionally).

But in the dream, he does come back, and our ceremony is completed by Pat Robertson.

I looked up Pat's full name (because it was so very clearly him and not one of the other two Pat's that I know): Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson.

Marion: Bitterness, or Sea of Bitterness
Gordon: Great Hill
Patrick: Nobleman
Robert: Bright Fame

I honestly have no idea what all that means.

What I do know is that, at the end of the ceremony, B and I were embracing in a more intimate way than in any other part of the dream.

And it was Pat's hand that was holding ours together.

So I think there will be some bitterness (difficult times, not anger) in our path as well as some up-hill battles, but that the end results will be us walking in our nobility as a Son and Daughter of the King and that God's glory will shine through it all.

Ok... so... I realize some of this is far-fetched. I also realize that this dream was so stinkin' dense that I probably missed some stuff (or even completely left it out) but it's a start.

Ok... off to sleep now.

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