A good night prayer....

I long for you tonight, Jesus.

The Kari Jobe song echoes through my whole being:

"The more I seek you,
The more I find you.
The more I find you,
the more I love you.

I want to sit at your feet,
Drink from the cup in your hand,
Lay back against you and breathe,
And feel your heart beat.

This love is so deep,
It's more than I can stand.
I melt in your deep,
It's overwhelming."

And I keep thinking about that dream I had. You know, the one where I got to sit in your lap, lean my head against your chest, and feel your arms around me as I cried? Remember that one? I find myself praying for another dream like that. Just another few seconds in your arms.

But I also think about the story where the preacher was translated to heaven and then had to be dragged away by the angels because, they told him, had he stayed even a second longer, he would no longer have the will to live on earth.

I somehow have a new understanding of that tonight.

Because I find that all I can think about is how desperately I want to be held by you.

I just want you to know tonight, Lord, that I love you with my whole being. I can't promise what tomorrow will hold, and I certainly can't say this is true of my past.

But I can say without any doubt that right now, in this moment, this heart is completely yours. All my love, all my heart, all my strength, all of me. I am yours.

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