False Alarm and Urgent Alarms

False alarm, ya'll.


But... I ended up getting the exact same doctor that I got back in December who told me that I needed to get my Pituitary checked out.

She gave me some more info yesterday, which I really don't feel like sharing today.

Basically, she ran the first in a series of tests. She also told me I needed to call the "hormone doctor", like, NOW.

Words were thrown around like "infertility" and "permanent damage" and "urgent."

So. Finally. I have scheduled an appointment with the hormone guy. Next Tuesday at 2pm.

But... in the midst of scheduling the appointment, I told the nurse that my doctor had mentioned "pituitary tumors." She quickly informed me that THIS doctor (the one who is supposed to fix all my hormone problems) doesn't deal with the pituitary gland.


I still scheduled the appointment. At least it's a starting place.

He can run the tests, and if he determines that it is, in fact, my pituitary gland, then perhaps he can recommend a specialist for me.

Good grief.

This is all so very overwhelming.

I've never been a real baby about doctors. I went to all but one of my prenatal visits all by my lonesome. Nobody has gone to an appointment with me since I got my drivers license.

But this appointment... this one scares me. I think I might need someone to hold my hand through this one.

Anyways... I'm off to do some housework while sick baby is sleeping.

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