The Eve of the Day

Went to the doctor... that's an entire entry unto itself.

Tomorrow is the big day. A day of coasters and water slides, of overpriced beverages and overheated bodies.

I am not looking forward to it, I must say.

I'm just not a Six Flags chick.

Put me in a water park, and I'll be happy till the cows come home.

But strap me into a harness and flip me upside-down... you might just meet the devil in me.

Oh well. It's all part of the job, and I am certainly grateful for the job.

Still, please be praying for me tomorrow.

My hormones have really been on the fritz this week, and I honestly feel like just sleeping all day tomorrow.

I am praying that I will wake up refreshed, clear-headed, and completely ready to take on the world... or, at least, 25 kids at Six Flags.

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